
Products Overview

Impress your customer with fast switching pages by these high class S7-Panel from INSEVIS up to 15,6 inch. Create your visualization faster than your competitors, without limitation by tags. Multiply your screens to any other size by our VisuStage/RemoteStage. Every visualization of these panels can be controlled remote – free of cost. Metal front frames with protection class IP65 provide a high quality impression on the first view.
Our HMIs communicate wir S7-CPUs via Ethernet by S7-connection (put/get) as active partner (so you do not need to edit your CPU-program). At Siemens-CPUs use the integrated Profinet interface.

3,5″-5,7″ – CPU V/P

S7-Panel 3,5″ with

This S7-Panel 3,5″ provides a small but immense brilliant image and extreme compact dimensions favor this devices to be used as low budget solution or subsidiary panel in the S7-network. Low power consumption and large temperature range from -20°…+60°C expands the fields of application nearly endless. The metal front frames with protection class IP65 underlines the high quality impression just on the first view.

S7-Panel 5,7″ –

For those who miss the TP/MP177 panels from Siemens, this S7-Panel 5,7″-unit will be the solution.  And keep it alive for lots of additional years. And they have so much more functions, solved in an easier way. A visualization is created, modified or converted into another panel in a very short time. The same resolution like at our S7-Panels 3,5” (QVGA) what allows to offer different price levels with the exactly same visualization.

4,3″-15,6″ – CPU T

Large: S7-Panel 15″

This size is actual the largest INSEVIS-Panel-HMI. The integrated CPU-T has enough power to switch display menus of this S7-Panel-HMI very fast to impress your customer. Why not grading up your application by this huge Panel-HMI? You will have no problem in communication with Siemens-S7-CPUs by Ethernet because of active S7-communication. A 4x VNC-server is integrated to act as remote interface. And you still will have problem at all in your project cost estimation. Create your brand in a customized firmware to display your own automation competence. The identical EDGE HMIs have integrated IIoT functions with particularly simple configuration.

S7-Panel 7″ with

This S7-Panel 7″ with WVGA resolution is the more powerful pendant to the 7″-panel HMI700P. The reason is the integrated CPU-T. This contains more memory, a faster processor and 2 Ethernet ports, working as a switch. Perfect for medium sized applications because of its huge functionality. The modern 16:9-format allows to visualize more objects in one screen – good for trend graphs as well. And you will find a free 4x VNC-server integrated. The identical EDGE HMIs have integrated IIoT functions with particularly simple configuration.

Superfast S7-Panel 10,1″

These 10,1″ S7-Panel-HMIs are brilliant and have a large resoltion. And there is enough space and functionality to impress your customer by this brilliant and fast switching panel. Of course, a 4x VNC-server is integrated as well as newest VisuStage objects and an easy connection to S7-CPUs …

Superslim S7-Panel 4,3″

This narrow S7-Panel 4,3″ has a mounting depth of 25mm only. But the 4,3″ display with 16:9-format is characterized by its fine pixels, his fast CPU-T and large memory resources (48MB). Beside that the page switching is extremly fast, because ther eis no Windows or Linux on it. This makes it suitable for low budget solutions or subsidiary panel in the S7-network. Low power consumption and large temperature range from -20°…+60°C expands the fields of application nearly endless. The metal front frame with protection class IP65 underlines the high quality impression just on the first view. A 2-port Ethernet-switch is available and the integrated 4xVNC-server can be used as remote interface. Meanwhile some customers decided for a customized front plate and include their own cut-outs, outline and colors. This allows to integrate a modern, ultrafast and economic S7-Panel 4,3″ directly into their application. The identical EDGE HMIs have integrated IIoT